This site is dedicated to maintaining the memory and legacy of Louis Diemert, an Authentic Old Mobile Mardi Gras original. Known as the Man of Many Faces, Louis reigned over the Mobile Mardi Gras scene for decades. From 1920 to 1950 Louis won almost every costume contest he entered - he went 20 for 30! Foregoing masks and instead using make up and costuming, Louis would immerse himself to become the character he was portraying. From an organ grinder to Scarlett O'Hara, to Adolph Hitler, Louis would keep his costume a secret until the last minute. Come see Louis Diemert™, the Man of Many Faces™ in person! Louis will be riding on the emblem float in the OOMF Parade Monday, February 5, 2018.In an effort to bring awareness to Louis and his achievements and contributions to Mardi Gras and Mobile, Alabama, we are now selling t-shirts and hand made buttons commemorating three of Louis' most popular characters - the Witch, the Queen, and Scarlett O'Hara. Each shirt is professionally silkscreened in full color on the back with a spot color logo on the front of a quality 100% cotton tee. Prices include any applicable sales tax and for a limited time receive Free Shipping to anywhere in the continental US. Order yours today!The Witch
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